onsdag 13 februari 2013

Lunch in fieldservice

Monday 28th of January -Wednesday 30th of January

If you're blue and you don't know where to go, go where fashion fits, go to Lude ritz....?? is like that ? is this all like a catchy song? A song that never will get boring, just remade now and than.? This feels so Good, we have been here for a week and we already feel like we have got a little routine, an everyday life. Like we lived here for a long time.


we start the day with visiting our studies and returnvisits. So encouraging. A nice day, after the day in service we made a little dinner, later bianca came over and watched a movie with us.. Bennie and Joon, feel-good at its best, for an hour or so we almost forget that we're in Namibia. First time Bianca saw this movie, now she knows how to make mashed potatoes and toast, if you don't get it, WATCH IT!

Service, 3 studies today, when we leave the first one a woman is waving(close to hysterically) and we get confused, we havn't met anyone in that house, have we met in street-work, said "Hello" at the meeting? Getting closer we recognize her, it's Hanneli, a sister in  our congregation, she is moving in to a house in built together, with her 3 boys, a little, cosy house. (Hanna has already decorated the house in her head...with her furniture) Afterwards we go to Regina (one of Hannas studies)she invited us for lunch , chicken and pap, so nice. Here we acidently discover filmjölk! They have sour-milk and this means LAPPAR! Trine can make her delicious lappar...mmmm....
Regina wanted to give us some african food, she is so sweet, in her 20's,  mother of 2 lovely children, Filippus and Lovisa(they remind me of me and my brother when we were younger, but the personalities are reversed) We had such a good time, so hosbitable!
Pop? Pap? and chicken:) or the veggie-version pap in sourmilk
 Met up with Bianca, went for 2 more calls. Hanna was meeting a girl she met street witnessing, she is taking Amis with her, so that not two girls walk alone in Amilema after dark, sadly she didn't show.. So they go for some other calls in the area. Since we're so close to Hanneli, we go there to say "Hi". They're all there, Morno-Litho, Massimo, Ewald and Hanneli, and if there's a mobilephone nearby, there is music and dancing nearby! They start to dougie, this is something we just have to learn!!! Amis and Morno Litho and Massimo walks Hanna home, true little gentlemen, we eat, food again ;b They are such good boys! They want to teach us how to dance. "Teach me how to dougie" a COOL song, and since we are "cool "girls we have to learn this.... kremt..timing? rythm?? in arms and legs ? together in harmony? And make it look good? ooooh its a little hard, but soon maybe we will get a hang of it?

Meeting for field service with the group, but it didn't turn out to be a great group.. but a little one. Than after a while in field service we went to Diaz Coffee House !! ååååhh så GÖTT! Coffee, milkshake, waffles, wifi.. updating a little. After the "feeling of city life" we went out in service with Bianca:) She is our sweety pie! we love her three much ;)

Things we didn't know how to:
trineohanna are overwhelmed of hospitabality
trineohanna don't know how to dougie

trineohanna are stiff scandinavians(at least when i comes to dancing)

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