Wednesday 23rd January-Sunday 27th of January
Wednesday,lots of young ones at the group on Wednesday. Papa D, and Uncle Harold. Sorry, starting to get so long ago so we're forgetting the details, who did we meet when?
Thursday, first meeting. Wohoo! The power went out during the 2nd song, we sang the rest acapella and to answer afterwards we had to speak very loud(no problem;)) Power came back and we got music to the last song.
Friday, we had the young ones over and studied a chapter in the Young people ask-book. These youngsters are great! After a while most opened up and afterwards we played “four-in-the-sofa” which happened to be a bed, but it just sounds wrong. This is a very unpractical game for remembering new names since everybody changes names constantly, but lots of laughs!
Shakira, Astrid, Marian Anna And Grace aka cookie
Trine all of a sudden hoes "wow! Look at this cool effect on the camera! I didn't even know of it!" I take a look and sadly after half a second comes to the conclusion that its just not interly open.
Kadu.....isn't that the coolest name. Kaaaaaduuuuuu! Like an explosion!
Massimo & Bianca
Saturday, except for Uncle Harold we we’re the oldest ones at the
meeting for field service at nine. 16 year old Morno-Litho took the lead. I
worked with Astrid and Trine with Ewald and Marian. I met Alvin, seemed to be a
very sincere man after a discussion about what hope there is for the dead he
was wondering what God will do with the wicked ones, we will go back with the
Watchtower article “Does God punish wicked people in Hellfire?” Trine was very
impressed with Marian, she’s 14 and a very zealous teacher!
On our way back to the Kingdom Hall we bought fat cooks, for all of us.
We were going to clean the hall and figured that we all needed something in our
bellies:) Now only the young ones
left all voluntarily helped cleaning the Hall, we have a beautiful hall here,
brothers and sisters! Come and see it! It’s located between many other churches
but easy to distinguish(I think it looks a bit like a castle) Sadly we didn’t
bring a camera for this joyous event, maybe next week? When we we’re finished we
sang the Kingdom Melodies for tomorrow and Thursday, and some favorites.
We were way too tired to join to the beach, but when Bianca asked us to
come over our overly social selves could not resist. We got to taste pop!
Classic African food that you eat with your hands, yummy! We, and with “we” I
mean “they”, and with “they” I mean Trine and the rest ate it with some kind of
seashell-clam-like-thing that they had picked at the beach. Love the fact that
they do so much together here.
Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Sorry, but meeting 9 in the morning. Cannot say this
works well with me. Not that we went to bed late. But, how many of you have met
me in the morning? Poor Trine, she has to be the smiling face outwards. People
was seriously concerned and thought I was not well. Uncle Ashley comment after
having the watchtower study
"What was wrong with you Hanna, where were you?!"
Hmm, and still I was answering, I wonder what I said...
Meeting for fieldservice after the meeting was something we had missed,
better planning next week. So we went home, and joined for Anna’s study in the
afternoon. That was a bit of a first week in Luderitz.
Ohhh, In the field
After the first week we’ve started 2 studies by doing returns after a
day or two. And we already have many returns! Almost everybody is listening and
many willingly get their own Bibles to follow. We use the truth-tract, in
English, Afrikaans, Oshiwambo, Kwangali. Did I miss one?
Have you ever felt frustrated that people don’t seem to think? Unwilling
to even choose a question, which makes it almost impossible for us to adjust
ourselves to present the message so that they find it interesting. I think that
this is one of the things I appreciate most, it’s a small thing, but I love the
fact that people CHOOSE a question, giving you somewhere to start! Many here
pick the same one, about prayer, death or happiness in life. So we’re starting
to get to know the tract and the scriptures very well. Working with different publishers also helps
to develop our way of teaching others.
What we didn’t know how to this week
Still struggling with being polite enough, people great each other all
the time
Speak Afrikaans or Oshiwambo
Trineohanna have shortened the way to Built Together with 15 min,
Shortcuts katchiiiing!
Trineohanna can pretend that they know everybody and say hi and hello to
Heter stället Built Together? Underbart.
SvaraRaderaHanna - jag saknar inte ditt morgonhumör, men jag saknar dig.
Hej goding! Japp, stället heter Built Together, närmare bestämt Built Together 2 om man ska vara riktigt noga:)
RaderaLuderitz skulle va ännu bättre med en Linnea, KOM! :):):)
Ha! Sant, Linnéa! Både frågan och påståendet.
SvaraRaderaVisst är det gött att man kan låta folk välja! Och det faktum att folk svarar på ens frågor. Förresten det där pop, vad det nu var, ser ut som våfflor med grädde. Mmmmmm.... det skall jag äta på söndag. Om jag orkar hålla mig.
Välja? Där hängde jag inte med. Inte Trine heller. Frågan och påståendet är vi också lite osäkra på, kanske är det solen. Hehehe, pop er det som ser ut som grädde:) men är mer som fluffig majsgröt... Vi råkade upptäcka filmjölk häromdagen, då blev det lappar!!!!:)
RaderaJa. Om stället heter built together, knäpp. Och om ditt morgonhumör.. Och välja. Att man faktiskt kan låta folk välja vilket ämne de vill studera. Men filmjölk? Där? Och vadå lappar?
RaderaJa, filmjölk, fick det hos ett studie med pap... lappar, jag tror du fick det när du hälsade på oss i Tvedestrand, Trine gör dem, de är som amerikanska pankakos, fast godare, tror jag:) mmmmhmmm, lappar. För Trine blir det för mycket mjöl, hennes mage strejkar lite när det blir för många. Stackars!
RaderaHej Hannaochtrine.
SvaraRaderaVi är så glada för att vi får följa ert äventyr i Jehovas tjänst. Vi sitter hela familjen ihopklämda på kontoret efter familjestudiet och vi får afrika känslan.
Många kramar från ett både kallt och förkylt Lysekil.
RaderaÅh! Va glada vi blir att ni tycker det är mysigt! Det här är något alla borde få uppleva, och att kunna dela med sig lite grann är det minsta vi kan göra! Vi försöker bli bättre på att fylla på, men det händer så mycket hela tiden! Nu är det i alla fall lite nytt till på torsdag;)
Krya på er där hemma!
Stora kramar från ett blåsigt afrika-lysekil!
Åh, som jeg savner det når jeg ser bilder!! Dere må hilse masse til Marian, Shakira, Grace, Hanneli, Morno-Litho, Massimo, Ewald, Anthony, Frieda, Amish, Cadu. Rebecca og Paulus.. Jeg har sikkert glemt noen. Meen, dere kan vel nesten hilse til alle!!
SvaraRaderaStor klem fra Ida
Jo, kom på fler :P
SvaraRaderaBassi og kona, Helvi, Djinelaou (er litt usikker på hvordan det skrives) Harold.. Hils til alle dere !!
Kos dere videre!
Tror ja har kommit ihåg att hälsa alla nu... men inte helt säker, de blev jätteglada allesammen och hoppas du kommer igjen!! Hanneli og guttarna har flyttat så Hanneli er litt deppa, det er lengre til jobb og Rikets sal men mye billigare så de får bedre med penger til mat og så, vi va der på family worship igår. Supermysigt!