måndag 18 februari 2013

divide activities over several days..

Wednesday 6th of February

Hey,hey,hey what a day! Got an early start today, at 8.15 this morning it was practically Maria’s lunchtime. She has a “shop”, she gets up at 4 opens at 5. We sat down and started in the Bible teach-book. She’s a very clever girl, costumers coming and going so it takes some time to get through it, but we enjoy it, she has prepared her book, so it’s clear that she gets it. We enjoy it very much! Meeting for field service at 9 as usual, we manage to be 10 minutes late, ooops. Trine has plans, she’s taking Amis to take over Ohli(a young man who’s turning in to a study) and Rebecca to Elisabeth, Trines kwangali-study.

I get to work with Mama D. What a pleasure! We do have to spend some time looking for houses and finding our way, but when we do! Ah! People love Mama D! She’s been in Windhoek for a while to get some paper in order, but she’s been missed! Of course I’m just guessing cause it was all in Afrikaans! We studied with Tiki and Oma. Oma is all you want an African old Meme to be! She is tiny, toothless and a thousand years old (might be a slight exaggeration) and an old fashion midwife! This old Meme told a joke, I didn’t understand a word, but her entire body language screamer: JOKE! And also the reactions of Tiki and Mama D. I was smiling to myself over the fact that body language can speak so clearly. They looked at me a bit confused and asked me if I understood? Then they explained: “The fly said to the bee:
-The king is having a party! Let’s go and be the FIRST to eat of the king’s fine cake!
-No, answered the bee, let’s go to the forest and make our own cake!
The fly refused to listen and went off to the king and he sure was the first to eat of the king’s fine cake. The bee flew to the forest and made his own cake, and some things never change, the bee is still making its own cake in the forest and the fly is eating the finest food, even before the kings!”
 (I don’t know about you but for me, I enjoyed watching Oma tell the story even more than the story itself, African sense of humor, maybe I’ll get it…)

After fieldservice we went to Shark Island, beautiful, we got to see another side of Lüderitz, houses almost looking like mansions. And Lüderitz from another angleJ On our way out we saw the Diamond-ship, they get approximately 50 000 diamonds…was it per day? From the seabed… they suck up the mud and search through it. Diamonds seem to just be lying around here…

I’ve started a project, I don’t even know when. I’m collecting white rocks to a sister’s house. It sounds ridicules, and it is. This wonderful sister has just moved to a new house with her boys, she’s very sad that she had to do it because it’s further away from the Kingdom Hall, her job, town, the store, but it’s cheaper, a lot cheaper. So trying to make it homy and nice in simple ways I’ve started to collect white rocks for her garden… We’ll see if she likes it..

Showing our.... 

We met the cutest dog : Sadie.

  Picking rocks at Shark Island it strikes me that it might not be allowed so I ask a couple that’s there with their lovely dog. And so we met Cristo and his sister Magdalena. Picking rocks is fine! They ask who we are and we get to explain how we know each other and witness some. Their parents run the bed and breakfast on the way out to Shark Island. Their dad is also a priest in, I don’t remember which church. They invite us for coffee at the café in the B&B. They have a piano! Every morning Cristo plays for the guests and we’re welcome to use it. So maybe tomorrow on our “day off” (we have already planned for 3 studies on our day off)

On our way back we just need to pick a few more rocks...just a few... Hanna will get real muscular after all the rock carrying;b 
Luderitz from another viewpoint. From the "rich " side.
In the evening we were to tired to make dinner so we went out to eat.
Mmm Savanna! 

Down at Ritzies it is cool and a nice breeze. So nice to have someone else preparing our meal. We feel like men ?? Or princesses? Don't know the difference.

Misty lovely evening, down by the waterfront. Ocean and the desert in the horizon...

What we didn’t know how to
Ad anything in field service, today was a tag along day for Hanna, the other way around for Trine
Hanna doesn’t understand how musicians find her when she tries to focus.

Being yourself in ministry is the best!
There’s always a piano around

1 kommentar:

  1. Afrikansk humor - samma i vår församling. Alla skrattar åt HELT olika saker på mötena.
