måndag 18 februari 2013

arrival of a rival? noooo:)

Thursday 7th of February

Day off starts with looking for studies, Mariana was not home, got a bit worried, we left a note under the door. Study with Elisabeth, she is so sweet! Always looks a bit worried when she opens the door but invites and listens, fascinated over everything she gets to know! Regina was in the middle of washing, so we’re coming back tomorrow.
Off we go to Kairo Coffeeshop B&B. When we get there it’s about lunchtime so we get some food as well and enjoy the beautiful view. When we sit there Christo and Magdalena comes home. We ask them to sing for us, and Christo is not playing hard to get! He sits down by the piano and they sing “Come what may”. WOW! Lina, you should have heard it! Or maybe not;) A smile from ear to ear and goose bumps allover! It’s the Christian-effect, when he gets started playing with the keys of a piano you can’t help but smiling. He asked me to play something afterwards, you know me, no-way-José! He played another one and Trine figured lets record it! But it was a gospel, what can you expect from the son of a preacher-man? “The angels called him Jesus, his disciples called him Jesus, but I call him Lord”… naaa, not exactly the same effect as the first song…
Did some grocery-shopping. It’s definitely not the selection you have at home. And it’s hard to getting used to the fact that some of the shelves in the shops just seem deserted. If they’re out. They’re out, when you live at the end of the world you’d better buy what you need on the day of delivery. But it works.
Got home, prepared the meeting.
Finally a picture of our beutiful Kingdom Hall. I love the way Litho describes to people in ministry to help them find it: "You know, opposite of Benguela Market, that BEAUTIFUL building" and his whole being just radiats that he absolutelly LOVE it!

Friday the 8th of February

They have started with a group on Friday mornings as well. It was surprisingly cold this morning, but it’s often a bit cold in the morning but usually it gets warmer rather  quickly, so when Trine asked me if she would take something extra with her I said “No of course not!”(I very often end up carrying around my own clothes the entire day, I hate to freeze and I apparently never learn). As I was saying, usually it gets a lot warmer quite quickly but not today, so Trine was actually a bit cold today, the morning mist didn’t want to leave.Sorry about that!

With us in the group was Litho, he slept in and figured he would be way too late for school so he joined the group at 9 instead, he was sooo pleased it was almost laughable. The zealous Paulus and Rebecca with Gionathan, Trine was working with Rebecca, Gionathan was silent until they got invited in today, it never failed, he has the loudest scream, I and Bianca heard him when we were far away in another house, Rebecca is very patient, Trine even more. Ashley was working with Litho and Paulus.  I was working with Bianca, she had decided that today, she wanted to start Bible-studies. There was surprisingly many at home in Area 2. And we we’re invited, first to an old man whose son is a witness somewhere else, and then to Cornelia, a young girl, we discussed what hope there is for the dead and we’re welcome to come back.

Waiting for Hanna and Bianca, in Cornelias house

Man tager vad man haver kan tillämpas på det mesta

Kids in Paulus and Rebeccas yard

A barber-shop

Went on with returns and studies. Met up with the others at the hall for lunch. Trine was heading home. We thought we could make lunch with what was at the Kingdom Hall flat. Easy, pasta and some kind of tomato-sauce……it was not crushed tomatoes, it was tomato-puree… it’s been a long time since I had such a disgusting meal. Bianca, Litho and I, we kept a straight face for quite a while, but Litho was the first one to say something. Still very polite, he just stated, that “this was really not good at all”. Bianca just bursted out in laughter, “Nope, I think this might have been the most disgusting food I have ever tasted” Funny thing is, we all still finished our meals and some even took seconds and thrds, were we just trying to get rid of the food? What do I know? Lots of laughs and after a couple of more hours in the field complaints about the stomach-reaction. I had none:9 I guess I’m used to weird food. As long as it doesn’t contain anything with eyes, I eat almost whatever…
Bianca went home to fetch Angie who was arriving from Keetmanshoop today. Me and Litho waited for the others to come to the Kingdom flat for “young people ask”.
I Trine FYI   the store, baught myself some lamb, salad, went home, slept, made food…felt lazy that I was not in field service, so I wonder …should I prepare some food for Hanna ? Try to call  her..she has been out a long while in service…ends up that Hanna doesn’t get time to come home before“young people ask” . What does that teach us ladies and gentleman ? That Hanna talks a lot? Or that Hanna easy gets into conversations in fieldservice? You draw your own concluscion ;)

Meeting up with Hanna at the kingdom hall I see that she had a LOOOOONG day, but still smiling.
Bianca comes with her friend Angie, a lovely pioneer sister from Köhln in Germany, visiting Keetmanshoop for 3 months, now visiting us! We are happy for these persons we get to meet.


There is no young people ask, some forgot to bring their books… I won't mention any names…. We played Pictionary instead. Learned som new words: like Goosepimpel: who knew that such a word existed? Pictionary is full of surprises. How to draw dehydrated,difficult was difficult, Madrid… eeh…you have to know geography,litter, fragile.. we had fun.

Doing the dishes
Tomorrow mff, 9 o clock.cleaning the hall, going to the beach ! ;)  

Things we didn’t know how to:
Get Gionathan happy indoors
Make others understand without words

Something to eat makes almost anyone happy(more of a statement/reminder though)
Trineohanna thank Jehovah for the gift of speach
Köln is also called Colonge…or something like that

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