Nej, seriöst. Ska vi leva i det förflutna i en evighet? Ett litet steg
för mänskligheten ett gigantiskt för Hanna, nu släpper vi detaljerna och tar en
kort dag-till-dag. Vi har i tillägg fått klagomål på att allt är på svorsk. Sooo let’s do it in
After being misguided by the GPS we got home very late yesterday,
decided to begin the day with lunch at RTO. Thursday is cake-day so we had the
best dessert ever! Made by a sister from Lüderitz. After that a guided tour by
Keiko, including our Namibian history, everything from André Bornman in skirt
by the manual printing press back in the good old days to a language without
word for perfect. How to translate that Adam was created perfect? A local
brother to the rescue
“You have to write Adam was just like a ripe peach”(som en
mogen persika).
Languages are fun!
Evening ended with full house, Elin’s studies were there and Mickey.
Things we didn’t know how to today:
Be quiet and don’t disturb the translators(but they seemed to enjoy it)
Trineohanna are too loud for and/or Bethel(but the brothers are
Trineohanna are apparently made for signlanguage(heard this before?)
Disturbing the lovely translators(the sisters closest to the door is named Hilja, means "silence" in finnish. "Hilja leinen!" said Trine, common expression in Finland? What do I know? It means "Quiet Woman! The sisters laughed, an d we got a bit shoooshed....
I'm doing some fake work. I think I would enjoy this department.
SvaraRaderaJaouda! Vi har det fint:)