Sunday 20th January
What a wonderful program! The 4th time about the conscious for
Trine, we’re starting to think that Jehovah is trying to tell her something.
Apparently a discreet hint does not work? Or what are we to think?
First talk, brother Derek, second brother Bo and the third with brother
Helmut, we are surprised that we’ve met and talked to most of the speakers at
the assembly, it truly feels like a big family.
Hanna in second row
We spend our lunch in the tjizire of the trees on the outside, in the
shadow for those who haven’t kept up with the hereo-lessons on the blog. It’s
us Elins studies one of the Anders’. Dennis and Herlen joins after a while,
Bianca to. She gives us an update on tomorrow. It’s been decided that we’re
going with her family to Luderitz tomorrow! So we don’t have to go by taxi/bus-thingy.
Obed and Linda
We get very serious when we're with Michaela and Jacki. This seems to amuse some...;)
Michaela, Trine, Mr Penguin, Jackie, Miss Very-proud-I-got-a-penguin-hug-yesterday;) For the ones that don't know this, Penguins don't usually hug, and neither does dragonflies.
Ben(very nice and friendly driver), Ms I-found-the-tallest-brothers-at-the-assambly-and-will-have-a-conversation-with-them(they have a tendency to talk over my head) and Lutz with his huge fan.
The mandatory backseat-picture, Jessica from Omaruru
We spend the evening at Hotel Hertzberger with the gang.
The Fonz wasn't able to join.
Trine after some food, a lovely creature!!!!
And then dinner at a fancy restaurant were Trine gets to taste some game,
zebra and springbuck to be more précis.
Let's swap personalities for 2 seconds;) We like grumpy britts!
Things we didn't know how to:
Trineohanna is not the best at saying bye-bye, but,
Trineohanna is getting the hang of Windhoek, time for some
changes and do something we don't know how to in Lüdritz!!!!!!!
Except for the lovely assembly we sadly think we have stoped learning
Haha. Trine helt platt!
SvaraRaderaOh. Vilka är de snygga systrarnapå sammankomstbilderna? (och då menar jag INTE er!)